Australia track
BTW for the last month, I spent 2 weeks in Sydney, a city that will eat you alive and has all the expense of other big cities but not the charm to make up for it. Not that it was all bad, I saw lots of art, bands, films, indie shows, indie theater, the opera house, the harbor, tons of vintage shops, record shops, cafes, good restaurants, used bookstores, took lots of photographs, video, made drawings, wrote, created, walked and walked wand walked… Suburban life was great, but Sydney does have this weird vibe that I just can’t put my finger on that makes it kind of…nauseating. I know New York is like this insane swirl of craziness and energy that takes hold of you and runs you ragged, but it’s a different kind of crazy, kind of like being in love. Where as Sydney is crazy like an underpaid hectic job. That’s the best I can describe it.
Oh and during my stay in Sydney I journeyed to the Wildlife rescue and saw kangaroos and koalas and wombats!!!! IT WAS SO AWESOME!
After my 2 weeks in Sydney I went to this amazing backpacker/surf camp called Surfaris, where I spent another 2 weeks working for accomodation. This was definitely a highlight of my trip, I absolutely loved this place and everyone who worked there or surfed there. I swam in a tea-tree river, laid out by the pool, ate amazing food, got to experience true small-town camaradarie, attempted to surf(really it was more practising falling off the board gracefully), and took long walks and bike-rides to the beach (once at nighttime which was much more terrifying than I thought it would be, I could hear all the nocturnal animals rummaging around in the bush around me and had visions of every single scary movie I’ve ever seen. It was worth it in the end to see the blanket of stars over the ocean on the other side of the world). I also painted rooms, had great conversations, and got to do some sign painting and art making, which was really awesome. I did get sick for a few days, which was a bit of a bummer, but I will only ever think of that time with fondness in my heart.
So that’s the jist of Australia, the short-hand if you will. It was great, but I got to say New Zealand trumps it. Actually, New Zealand trumps everywhere, and anyone who has known me for a while might remeber a time when all I would talk about was how I was going to move to New Zealand to a city named Wellington (a place I just happened to find on the internet). Well, I’ve been there now, and that spark has been reignited. It’s my 2nd favorite city I’ve been to in my life. There was a part of me that thought “”I have a work visa thats good for an entire year, I could get a job at that awesome bar, become friends with that cute guy at that awesome cafe, and work my way into the Wellington film industry starting with the Hobbit that’s already in pre-production. Then I could get a roommate and just never leave”. But don’t worry, I’m coming home, at least for a little while. I miss everyone too much not to, and I still think about New York every single day, but I will be back to Wellington some day. Oh yes. I will be.
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