BootsnAll Travel Network

Temples, Moskitos and horrible busrides

The busride takes only a few hours sir, I promise sir!

What a bunch of bullshit! when we took off from bangkok to cross the boarder to cambodia, we had a nice small bus and perfect streets, leading us to cambodia in around 4 hours. Then we crossed the boarder and cambodias charme started to hit us.. with another additional 8 hours busride on a horrible street (if u can call it street, just a lot of sand with holes), crazy cambodians who ripped us of with money-changing on the boarder and so much dirt that I grew a second skin .. out of dirt 🙂

So we arrived in Siem Reap to see the Angkor Wat, the temple area of whitch every backpacker in South-east-asia had heared about before. A paradise for everyone who likes to explore ancient history. Apart of the other thousands of tourists who fly directly into siem reap and stay into their bunkers of 5 star hotels with AC.  Me and Cris crashed in a cheap hostel for a few riel and planned our trip to the temples, we wanted to see sunrise and sunset on the same day because we did’t had so much time left to stay in cambodia..Sunrise on Angkor

The Angkor was reeeeally impressive. We got the sunrise on the main temple are, together with all the other tourists which were after the clichè.
climbing monks

We used the day to explore the area on our own, and even with all the tourists there we found some nice places of the beaten track, about half an hour walk from the main area, where we chilled out and imagined how this place would have been a few houndred years ago..


cris thinking about lara croft

After the sunset we were completely destroyed and shiped back to the hostel. The next day we proceedet to the capital, Phnom penh.


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