Laos becomes better and better
We arrived in Vang vieng around midday. We heared some awesome backpacker-stories about this place, and therefor we were excited to check everything out.
So came we spent the next days cycling around the cornfields, climbing around in the mountain-caves, tubing down the river while getting pissed, swimming in the bluest lagoones we had ever seen… Vang Vieng – an incredible place.
Hanging out at this beautiful swimming pool we met some local people and finished drinking beer and eating lao-food all afternoon.
After a bit we found out that they were 2 cops and a farmer. My drunk ass pretendet to be a cop as well and we finished up showing each other self defense tricks. When it became dark they gave us a ride in town with theyr transporter and we endet up drinking more and more beers at their house.
In vang vieng we could find everything we wanted. Good food, nice people, fun and adventure. After the crazy tubing trip we met a bunch of travellers which who we made a few good parties.
This place is one of the places I am sure I will go back.
After a while we had to leave and we went down to Vientiene, the capital, and got finally some money out of the famous cash machine.
Fillipp enjoing the last days in laos
Tags: Laos
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