BootsnAll Travel Network

Shipping to laos

The last night in thailand took place in a small border town.. damn i forgot the name.. Maybe Ko chang or something like that! We took a small boat over the border and the first troubled day in laos began. We got our passports stamped and wanted to get some cash in laos currency. Some smart english tourists teached us smiling that there is only one single Cash machine in the whole country, in vientiene. And that was bloody far away. Yeah we did not really plan a lot before coming here 🙂

Then the Laos people tried to rip us off with the boad transfer we pre-paid from chang mai. “Ohhh sorry sir the payment from the thai-people has not arrived! But if u pay us the same amount another time we can bring u to the boat now, otherwise u have to spent another night here!” .. Bullshit. Typical tourist-rip off thing in progress. Me and Filipp just sit down on a table and took out our poker-cards. “Ok man, no problem! but we wont pay for the hostel, if u dont bring us to the boat we will sleep right here on this table” And we startet playing cards while our fellow tourists startet to argue around. Finally after 2 hours of waiting, the laos people realised that we wont fell into the stupid trap and said: “Ohh, the paiment just arrived, now we can go”


So in the end we landet on the boat that would bring us down the mekong-river to Luang Prabang. The journey should take around 2 days and took place on a small boat filled up with backpacker who decidet to take the same route over to laos.


We left the main part of the boat and found the storage room, where all the backpacks were stacked. There we met four nice Thai-Students from Bangkok who made a holiday trip to laos. We spent the whole afternoon talking and playing cards, while the beautiful landscape of the mekong-river drifted by next to us.

thai friends

We spent the first night in a small village. The people there survive only with the tourist business. They made theyr money with one night tourists which took the way down the river to luang prabang. I think it was there where we met the nice german girl, with whitch we hang out the next days a lot. In the town they had everything, and next to robbing tourists the young people there made their money with dealing. We laughted our ass off when we met all the wannabe hard dealers of this small town.

The next day at night we strandet in Luang Prabang. We took a long walk to get away from the main tourist area, where the rooms were 20-30 dollars a night. We wanted to spend he next day checking out the famous watherfalls in this area.

Now we knew why the watherfalls were famous. Amazing and huge, the most incredible waterfalls I had ever seen in my life. We took on our swimming throwsers and jumped in the cold but clear whater.

Amazing Waterfalls


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