Please give me my tickets
I just wanted to give a quick update. I had a great weekend in Bali and I am still here. A few of my friends left this morning back to Singapore and my flight home is in 48 hours. I am having an issue with my ticket. It was purchased as an E-ticket through Northwest Airlines but the first leg of my trip is Japan Air and they don’t use E-ticketing so my tickets were mailed to my parent’s house in Tampa. Ouch. So, with only 2 days left to get this straightened out I am stressing a little. Thanks to my mom she is taking care of the phone calls and leg work but I have been emailing expedia and trying to contact the airline offices here to get a new one reissued. NWA and Japan Air don’t have any system set up for this so they have been getting supervisors involved. I’m sure it will be all ok but I might have to take time out of my last 2 days to take care of business rather than lay on the beach.
Oh well, chalk another one up for learning experiences.
Tags: bali, flight, northwest airlines, Travel
Ah that sucks, I hope it is all taken care of quickly, leaving you more time to bask in the sun on the beach. If not, you can always bask here! 🙂 ( i know it’s not the same haha)
That sucks. Ah, I hope the sun is taken care of quickly, leaving you all the time to bask in it more on beach. It’s always the same, not! (haha) If you can bask here, I know not.
Hope everything works out smothly. Have a safe and comfortable flight home… See you soon! TA TA!!
Joe, I going to miss reading about your adventures. I am now not as scared to travel to foreign lands. I was however nervous about spending a week in Texas!