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bird flu!!!

Tuesday, November 29th, 2005

yep i did stick around for the party. of course!! was doing my normall ‘oh i dont think ill go blaa blaa blaa’ (yep guys i do that in this country to!) but ended up going to heavens beach the local bar for us all, with patrick this crazy guy from scotland, who ia staying at the same hostel as me but has been there for three years. well we went down to heavens beach and while i was there meet this guy from london, christian. well, we al decided to head to this party any way. so got a shacklaaw(taxi type thingy)out to this party. it was blody miles away from anywhere based in what looked like a roodeo bar from the wild west. what this place was in the day ive got no idea. [read on]

lauras bday

Friday, November 25th, 2005

went out the other night for lauras birthday. it was a fantastic night. we had seen this resteraunt the day before when we were looking for the crazy golf so had gone in to inquire about prices, availibility etc. so the next night we set of looking as smart as we could with the few clothes we have. the place was immaculate with [read on]


Wednesday, November 23rd, 2005
please scroll back i have now put a photo on this website.....millions more to come. they just take bloody ages to download. woo im excited! i have now put photos on the website yipee!! you may need to open up ... [Continue reading this entry]

rup and laura

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2005
things have got better here now had a wobble the other day was just feeling pissed of and sad cause all my friends had gone but its all better now. i supose im away for 6 months i cant be ... [Continue reading this entry]

white watering

Friday, November 18th, 2005
firstly thank you for my comments its good to know you havent all forgotten about me!! welltoday was odd to say the least, everyone that i have been with for the last two weeks left yesterday to go to ... [Continue reading this entry]

full moon party

Thursday, November 17th, 2005
well im in chang mai early than expected as every one left to9 go to the lunna lanna festival so we thought we would join them. came back to the royal guest house as before. i chose to take ... [Continue reading this entry]

tatoo ‘n’ teaching

Saturday, November 12th, 2005
well im still in pai and now decided not to leave till the 18/19 when i go to chang mai to meet with rup and laura . after many emails and changes of plans we have actually sorted something out! ... [Continue reading this entry]

pai in the sky

Friday, November 11th, 2005
IMGP0621 i arived in pai after a bloody scary trip through the mountains with some guy who really couldnt drive. comming throughthe mountains the veiw was amazing rolling low clouds and steep mountains. ... [Continue reading this entry]

lazy days in chang mai

Wednesday, November 9th, 2005
IMGP0720 well ive spent about 4/5 days in chang mai, i really cant remember days seem to merge together here ...oh the joys of having no dead lines!! any way, we havent ... [Continue reading this entry]

random party train

Monday, November 7th, 2005
the next day in anathaya we looked at a couple of temples. one with the buddha head in the tree roots and millions of buddhas all with their heads missing and then the one on the far west of the ... [Continue reading this entry]