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anathaya river swimming

Monday, November 7th, 2005

th eguest house we stayed in was beautifull and more expensive than norm but as the was so many of us she gave us the rooms for 120baht each not bad at all. we had to go get the tickets for our trip to chang mai so me and hellen headed accros the river on the ferry. we saw loads oflocal boys swimming in the river and grabbing hold of the ropes from the tug boats pulling the most massive boats, but the river was minging!!! on the way back we were just less than half way accros and hellen dared me to swim the resat of the way i dont think she expected me to actually do it but i can never turn down a dare…….as i reached the other side the boys told me that they hadf just seen a snake go in the river and giant pink maggots …..nice!! well i seem ok now so dont think the was to much damage caused.

we went to go and see many amazing temples here. the famous one with the face in the tree and one of my favourites at sun set……..check my photography out im impressed with these!



Sunday, November 6th, 2005

ok up date so far…..ileft bankok and headed west to kancanaburi.a muchsmaller and more peacefull town after bankok it was much needed people were right bankok gets very stressfull. here i meet a wicked groupof people are we are stilltravelling together now. me and this girl anita are are sharing an extremlly cute little hut on stilts in the river much nicer than high rise flatsin bankok. the firstday we went to the erowuan national park this had the mostbeautifull waterfall in. it was 7 dif layers and near the top you actually had towalk [read on]

floating market

Friday, November 4th, 2005
hey every one. im being slack but dont quite know where ive go to am actually to pissed yo write now but i promise full update tommorow. we went to the floating market in bankok, it was amazing. seeing ... [Continue reading this entry]

the start of thailand!!!!

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2005
so i belive this will be a better way for me to do this so you can look at this if you want and i dont bombard people with stuff if not....... hi every one!! well im here at last! after the ... [Continue reading this entry]