BootsnAll Travel Network

full moon party

well im in chang mai early than expected as every one left to9 go to the lunna lanna festival so we thought we would join them. came back to the royal guest house as before. i chose to take the public bus from pai to save some pennies or should i say baht….any way it ended up being a bloody nightnare 2 and a half hours late too many people and not enough seats, a reall smelly woman sat next to me for a 5 hour bus journey hmmmm nice i think i would of prefered to have paid the extra 70 baht (thats 1 english pound to all you guys!!) but you have to do these things i supose.

the festival was cool the whole town joins in and the are lights and candels every where really was beautifull. they had these rice paper ballon things that you set fire to a ring on the bottom and the heat makes fly into the sky. so many crashed and set alight on random people tho it was hilarious. every one was setting of fire works it sounded like a war zone we stood on the bridge looking down at all the burning candels floating then setting of fire works, you just had to hold these in your handsa bit dangerous but hey ive still got two hands. most went into the river. one went behind us and hit this guy on a moter bike he was ok so it was funny.


ended up finding this wicked roof terrace playing drum and base andf met these american guyswho took us to this club called bubbles. i didnt know what to expect from a thai club but it was wicked. proper wicked dance music and cool people. going to see if rupn and laura fancy it when they get here.


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