BootsnAll Travel Network

Adios Coche…

We shipped the car! The process was difficult, confusing and extremely frustrating. Multiple visits to various offices at the San Antonio port – 14 steps, 2 days of work (9 hours total) and about $3000. Twice, I was ready to cry from frustration. I wanted to yell and scream too many times to count. I think that this was the first time that a used car filled with personal goods has been shipped from Chile to the U.S. Now, we just hope that the car arrives in Oakland at the end of October…

We will spend the final week of our trip in Bariloche, Argentina to ski and snowboard. And of course, to drink Malbec and Fernet, and eat jamon crudo, salami ahumado and carne. Gotta love Argentina!

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4 responses to “Adios Coche…”

  1. John Higham says:

    I’m so sad! I’ve loved reading your posts and now it is coming to a close. While in Bariloche, eat some chocolate and beef for me. (But not at the same time 🙂

    John Higham

  2. John Pulaski says:

    It’s been a great trip! We were all worried about you traveling down there in the beginning but it turned out to be a great and safe adventure. I guess I’ll have to get back to work now, quit spending time looking at all your pictures and wishing I was there. It’ll be great to see you all again in Pacifica. I can’t wait to hear all the stories and eat some of Paul’s cooking again. Have a safe trip home.

  3. Claire says:

    Hey, glad you finally got the car shipped hope it all arrives in one piece. can’t believe it was so complicated as after your first meeting with the port it seemed fairly straightforward… but from my experiences of Chile I guess I can believe it. Hope you enjoyed bariloche, I loved it and sure your son prefered it to Santiago…

    have read a few of your blogs and sounds like you had the adventure you wanted…hope all is good back home and you’re not missing life on the road to much…. I’m currently in Brazil and excited to visit Columbia after your comments.

    Claire (from Bellavista spanish class)

  4. Lisa & Michael says:

    Safe travels back HOME!!!! Michael & I can’t wait to see you guys! xoxoxoxox

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