It’s really spelled Ephesus, but I’ve been having trouble pronouncing it for some reason and these letters help. We took a bus (a nice big coach this time) to Kusadasi in order to be near Ephesus as well as the ferry to Greece, our next stop.
Our time here in Turkey is winding down, but we had one last amazing day at Ephesus. It was a city of nearly 250K people that flourished from about 800BC to 400AD. St. John and St. Paul lived here too. The ruins are extensive and some buildings and streets are nearly complete. There are remains of everything from a 20K-seat stadium, a theater, and houses to baths and even public latrines. It was fantastic to walk through it all imagine people going about their daily lives two thousand years ago.
Before we came here, we thought Egypt was THE place for archeological sites, but Turkey turned out to be a great place to discover some history. Here’s the Library of Celsus in Ephesus:
May 4th, 2009 at 6:29 pm
I’d love to go to Turkey one day. Though, if you want to see lots of archaeological cites, I think Mexico, especially the south, is where it’s at. Oaxaca, Ocosingo, Palenque, La Venta, Comalcalco, Coba, Chichen Itza, Teotihuacan, etc. And since the ancient world din’t conform to Mexico’s current boundaries, the stuff in Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras iwill complete the picture.