Top Ten Things Not To Bring On the Camino de Santiago
Hey, I know…there are plenty of lists out there, telling you what to pack, and so on.
This is a different kind of list…
Top Ten Things Not To Bring On The Camino de Santiago:
1. The idea that you are going to be doing it alone. You are not. Be prepared for the challenge of a lifetime, as you will now be sharing your personal space-and the Camino itself-with hundreds of other people who think they are going to be doing it alone too.
2. A Timetable. Oh, my goodness. How many people have I seen wandering around the refuges in the evenings, fretting becasue they are running behind on their timetable. This applies mostly to people trying to do the whole thing, not one stage of the journey. I say, get done what you can and for once in your life, be content with the results.
3. A Competitive Attitude. Um..if this is you(and you know who you are), please don´t come do the Camino. Please. It´s great if you can walk 45 kilometers in one day, but..that´s not really the point here. I would suggest you try some mediation first and mellow out, then do the Camino.
4. A lack of Spanish skills. One thing my many new Spanish friends have told me is that they don´t understand why people come to their country and then don´t even speak a word of Spanish. Please, learn a few, just a few. You will find you have a better experience and that the Spanish people will warm up to you so much more. You may find yourself recieving invitations to do outragegeous things(as I have) which is so much more fun than actually walking and getting anywhere. Come to think of it, set aside a few days with the express purpose of getting nowhere at all. You´ll enjoy it tremendously, and, as an added plus, when you actually get somewhere, you´ll have good stories to tell at the pilgrim dinners.
5. A lack of mindfulness towards the environment. How many pilgrims have I seen, littering all over the place? Smoking and throwing their stubs on the ground? Eating and tossing the wrappers on the Camino itself? Hey, who is supposed to pick up all that trash, anyway?How many hundreds-no thousands-of plastic bottles litter the path? Perhaps you might consider picking up others peoples trash as you walk rather than adding to it. Just a thought.
6. Bad manners. Remember the words thankyou and please, and be gracious to everyone who helps you-especially at the refuges. Those people are working hard to help you have a wonderful Camino, the least you can do is thank them, fold up your blanket when you leave and wipe down the bathroom sink when you are done.
7. Modesty. Oh yes, you´ll be sharing your personal space with hundreds of other people, as I said. did I mention that also includes the bathroom? the shower? and guess what? As an added plus, most of the time, it´s coed-sometimes even with the added joy of open stalls. You also get to change your clothes in front of everyone, as everyone else is doing it too, and you´ll all pretend like you are not looking at the other person and that you are thinking about something else entirely. Practice at home first.
8. Small black bikini underwear. Guys, this one is for you. I have noticed a great number of men outfitted in these, hanging out in them-no, lounging in them, in the refuges. They seem to appear mid afternoon, and no pants appear to cover them up until dinner time. It is hard for me to talk to you if I am in the bottom bunk, and you are standing there with your parts scantily encased in a bit a of black fabric at my eyelevel. Please, take note.
9. A hankering for vegetables. Um, yes, well, good luck. It´s slim pickings on many parts of the Camino. The new magic word for you, the thing that will sustain you, is a called a bocadillo, and it´s sort of an enormous amount of bread paired with a few thin slices of ham or cheese. Unless you are very rich, in which case you will have a mini van meet you at each stop with a nice picnic lunch.
10. Judging people who take a tour or take a bus harshly-including yourself. Hey, when did you get to decide what makes a Camino a Camino or not? In the rest of your life, you are a pretty easy going person, let´s not start getting all righteous(or self defeating) now. The fact is, it´s still a Camino, even when it´s by tourist bus or whatever. One woman actually apologized to me at Arroyo san Bol, as she got off the bus. ¨I´m not a real pilgrim¨, she said. ¨You´re not?¨, I said. Of course she was a real pilgrim. and, I found out later, she was on that bus because she was recovering from cancer. So think about what you say and how you judge others.
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Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique, interesting and useful. de Nature Indonesia merupakan sebuah CV yg bergerak dalam bidang pengobatan alami aman
jual obat kutil kelamin di kota medan
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obat tradisional kutil di kemaluan pria
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Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique, interesting and useful. denature Indonesia yaitu sebuah perusahaan yang fokus dalam bidang obat herbal aman dan ampuh tanpa efek samping. obat kami san…
Obat Kutil Kelamin Wanita
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Obat Kutil Di Daerah Kelamin
Hallo This is my first time visit at here and i am in fact happy to read all at single place. i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very interesting. denature adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bida…
jual obat kutil kelamin di banggai
Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique, interesting and useful. denature Indonesia yaitu sebuah perusahaan yang fokus dalam bidang obat herbal aman dan ampuh tanpa efek samping. obat kami san…
penyembuhan kutil kelamin secara alami
Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique, interesting and useful. denature Indonesia yaitu sebuah perusahaan yang fokus dalam bidang obat herbal aman dan ampuh tanpa efek samping. obat kami san…
Obat Salep Buat Kutil Kelamin
Hai This is my first time visit at here and i am in fact happy to read all at single place. i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very interesting. de Nature Indonesia merupakan sebuah CV yg bergerak dalam bi…
Obat Kutil Kelamin Paling Murah
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kutil kelamin tidak bahaya
Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique, interesting and useful. de Nature Indonesia merupakan sebuah CV yg bergerak dalam bidang pengobatan alami aman
Obat Kutil Pd Kelamin
Hallo This is my first time visit at here and i am in fact happy to read all at single place. i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very useful. denature Indonesia yaitu sebuah perusahaan yang fokus dalam bid…
Obat Kutil Di Daerah Kelamin
Hallo This is my first time visit at here and i am in fact happy to read all at single place. i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very interesting. denature adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bida…
jual obat kutil kelamin di barito
Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique, interesting and useful. de Nature ialah sebuah CV yg berjalan dalam bidang pengobatan alami aman
Obat Untuk Menghilangkan Kutil Di Kelamin
Hallo This is my first time visit at here and i am in fact happy to read all at single place. i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very interesting. denature adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bida…
Obat Kutil Kelamin Terbaru
Hallo This is my first time visit at here and i am in fact happy to read all at single place. i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very useful. denature Indonesia yaitu sebuah perusahaan yang fokus dalam bid…
Obat Sakit Kutil Kelamin
Hai This is my first time visit at here and i am in fact happy to read all at single place. i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique. de Nature Indonesia merupakan sebuah CV yg berjalan dalam bidang…
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Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique, interesting and useful. denature Indonesia yaitu sebuah perusahaan yang fokus dalam bidang obat herbal aman dan ampuh tanpa efek samping. obat kami san…
Bahaya Kutil Kelamin
Hai This is my first time visit at here and i am in fact happy to read all at single place. i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique. de Nature ialah sebuah CV yg berjalan dalam bidang pengobatan ala…
Obat Kutil Kelamin Untuk Wanita
Hai This is my first time visit at here and i am in fact happy to read all at single place. i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique. de Nature ialah sebuah CV yg berjalan dalam bidang pengobatan ala…
Obat Kutil Kelamin Medis
Hallo This is my first time visit at here and i am in fact happy to read all at single place. i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very useful. denature adalah sebuah perusahaan yang fokus dalam bidang obat…
Obat Kutil Kelamin Dari Dalam
Hai This is my first time visit at here and i am in fact happy to read all at single place. i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique. de Nature Indonesia merupakan sebuah CV yg berjalan dalam bidang…
kutil kelamin muncul lagi
Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique, interesting and useful. denature Indonesia yaitu sebuah perusahaan yang fokus dalam bidang obat herbal aman dan ampuh tanpa efek samping. obat kami san…
obat kutil kelamin
Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique, interesting and useful. denature adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang obat herbal aman dan ampuh tanpa efek samping. Obat kami sangat ma…
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Hallo This is my first time visit at here and i am in fact happy to read all at single place. i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very interesting. denature adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bida…
obat kencing nanah di apotik
Hallo This is my first time visit at here and i am in fact happy to read all at single place. i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very useful. denature Indonesia yaitu sebuah perusahaan yang fokus dalam bid…
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Hallo This is my first time visit at here and i am in fact happy to read all at single place. i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very useful. denature Indonesia yaitu sebuah perusahaan yang fokus dalam bid…
obat kencing nanah menurut dokter
Hai This is my first time visit at here and i am in fact happy to read all at single place. i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique. de Nature ialah sebuah CV yg berjalan dalam bidang pengobatan ala…
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Hai This is my first time visit at here and i am in fact happy to read all at single place. i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique. de Nature ialah sebuah CV yg berjalan dalam bidang pengobatan ala…
kencing nanah super tetra
Hallo This is my first time visit at here and i am in fact happy to read all at single place. i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very interesting. denature adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bida…
apakah kencing nanah menyebabkan
Hai This is my first time visit at here and i am in fact happy to read all at single place. i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique. de Nature ialah sebuah CV yg berjalan dalam bidang pengobatan ala…
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Hallo This is my first time visit at here and i am in fact happy to read all at single place. i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very useful. denature adalah sebuah perusahaan yang fokus dalam bidang obat…
obat kencing nanah di apotik
Hallo This is my first time visit at here and i am in fact happy to read all at single place. i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very useful. denature Indonesia yaitu sebuah perusahaan yang fokus dalam bid…
obat apotik kencing nanah
Hai This is my first time visit at here and i am in fact happy to read all at single place. i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique. de Nature ialah sebuah CV yg berjalan dalam bidang pengobatan ala…
apa obat penyakit jengger ayam
Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique, interesting and useful. denature Indonesia yaitu sebuah perusahaan yang fokus dalam bidang obat herbal aman dan ampuh tanpa efek samping. obat kami san…
kencing nanah yahoo answer
Hallo This is my first time visit at here and i am in fact happy to read all at single place. i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very useful. denature Indonesia yaitu sebuah perusahaan yang fokus dalam bid…
obat kencing nanah de nature
Hai This is my first time visit at here and i am in fact happy to read all at single place. i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique. de Nature ialah sebuah CV yg berjalan dalam bidang pengobatan ala…
ciri kencing nanah wanita
Hallo This is my first time visit at here and i am in fact happy to read all at single place. i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very useful. denature Indonesia yaitu sebuah perusahaan yang fokus dalam bid…
obat kencing nanah yang ampuh
Hallo This is my first time visit at here and i am in fact happy to read all at single place. i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very useful. denature Indonesia yaitu sebuah perusahaan yang fokus dalam bid…
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Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique, interesting and useful. denature Indonesia yaitu sebuah perusahaan yang fokus dalam bidang obat herbal aman dan ampuh tanpa efek samping. obat kami san…
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Hallo This is my first time visit at here and i am in fact happy to read all at single place. i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very useful. denature adalah sebuah perusahaan yang fokus dalam bidang obat…
kencing nanah yahoo answer
Hallo This is my first time visit at here and i am in fact happy to read all at single place. i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very useful. denature Indonesia yaitu sebuah perusahaan yang fokus dalam bid…
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Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique, interesting and useful. de Nature Indonesia merupakan sebuah CV yg bergerak dalam bidang pengobatan alami aman
contoh kutil di kemaluan
Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique, interesting and useful. de Nature Indonesia merupakan sebuah CV yg bergerak dalam bidang pengobatan alami aman
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Hai This is my first time visit at here and i am in fact happy to read all at single place. i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique. de Nature ialah sebuah CV yg berjalan dalam bidang pengobatan ala…
obat kencing nanah untuk wanita
Hallo This is my first time visit at here and i am in fact happy to read all at single place. i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very useful. denature adalah sebuah perusahaan yang fokus dalam bidang obat…
cara menghilangkan kutil kemaluan secara alami
Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique, interesting and useful. de Nature Indonesia merupakan sebuah CV yg berjalan dalam bidang pengobatan alami aman
mengobati kencing nanah pada pria
Hai This is my first time visit at here and i am in fact happy to read all at single place. i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique. de Nature ialah sebuah CV yg berjalan dalam bidang pengobatan ala…
obat kencing nanah resep dokter
Hai This is my first time visit at here and i am in fact happy to read all at single place. i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very interesting. de Nature Indonesia merupakan sebuah CV yg bergerak dalam bi…