BootsnAll Travel Network

Pack, Unpack. Pack, Unpack. Repeat.

Well, I’ve been living out of a backpack for such a long time now, that it feels a little weird to finally be making the big change of setting up housekeeping.

But that’s exactly what I’ll be doing for the next week or so–I had found only a very temporary solution to my homeless problem, and today a small house up opened up, so it’s time to get down to business and move in.

Part of me has really been jonesing for a place to hang my clothes up, cook up some pasta, invite people over–maybe even have a little get together. At least have a place to stuff the backpack and sleep in a proper bed!

The other part of me is at a loss of where to begin. Stuff doesn’t seem that important anymore. However, I’m sure that it will all come together.

So what this all adds up to is that everything I just stuck in storage I now have to unpack. And everything I left with friends has to be unpacked too. Thats if I can remember who has what.(each box is like recieving brand new stuff–I literally have no idea what I packed in each one!)

I’ll have just made the current digs perfect and comfy when it will be time to pack it all up again in the winter and move yet again–this time into what I hope will be a long term home, a cozy sweet rental I picked out awhile ago.

In the meantime, it’s time to..finally have a home. I’m very happy and content tonight, knowing that tonight me, my dog, and my cat will all pile into bed together and wake up in the morning together. I’m happy I’ll be somewhere where I can leave the lights on. I’m happy that I’ll be somewhere where I can leave the dishes in the sink.

And I’m most happy that I can surround myself with things, photographs, and postcards from my trip.

It’s just so wonderful to finally have a place to call my own. Such a relief. I think all the travel I did made me really appreciate the idea of home so much more than I ever would have otherwise; and coming home and being in a transitory situation has just only added to that appreciation.

Let the nesting begin!



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