October 7th, 2006Saturday 7th October 2006
Darwin is extremely hot. Did you know that Darwin is the most likely place to suffer lightening and thunder in the world? Interesting I thought. Since we have been in Darwin we have been enjoying being in one place for more than one or two nights and our hostel is great as it has a swimming pool to keep us cool in this swealtering heat. On Thursday we visited the library and Government buildings, mainly to take advantage of the free internet but the buildings are impressive anyhow. On Friday we went to Mindil Beach in the evening. We got there just in time to see a beautiful sunset of yellows and reds. There were so many people about too which made the night markets very atmospheric. They had every stall imaginable and more. Lots of jewellery stalls and food galore (you could eat all night if you wanted to) and different bands playing. One band named Em Dee were particulary good. There was a guy showing us his whipping skills and for a small price you could have a go yourself. I bought some new sunglasses as I lost my others on Fraser Island. There was also a little stall called Road Kill cafe where we tried kangaroo, which tasted just like beef, and crocodile, which I actually had no interest in trying but Janine was absolutely loving in and really wanted to so I had a bit, and eeew it tasted like chewy chewy fat chew – not nice at all to me and I couldnt help thinking the meat tasted a bit old. Yum! While we were at the market we also visited a man called Manfred. He told me my fortune using tarot cards and reading my palms. Very interesting! I have never had my fortune told before so it was quite exciting and I enjoyed every moment of it. I wont say too much about what he told me as we could be here for hours, but my future looks bright anyway. Yay! Last night we sampled some of the local nightlife and said goodbye to Brian and Anne-Marie who drove us up to Darwin from Townsville.