Leaving New Zealand from Christchurch….
Monday, August 14th, 2006Tuesday 15th August 2006
This is our final stop in New Zealand which is a real shame. I have really enjoyed every moment of it here. At the moment we are in Christchurch which is the second largest city in New Zealand. We fly out of here on Thursday so we don’t have long left.
Christchurch has a gondola (which we havent been up as we went on one in Wellington and Queenstown and we are feeling a little gondolad out). It also has a massive Cathedral in the aptly named Cathedral Square, which is where our hostel is located. Christchurch also has a tram system which I have been dying to get on since we got here. We got on it today for $12.50 (which is just over four pounds – i cant find the pound symbol on this keyboard its stupid!!). This ticket lasts for two days and you can hop off and on when you like and go round and round as much as you like. Needless to say after the second time of going round (this took all of about 15 minutes) i wanted to get off. I was cold too….had a bit of a saga with my fleece….
Saga of the Fleece:
When I was staying with Brooke, Clint and Austin in Auckland Brooke took me to Kathmandu (a kiwi outdoorsy type of shop) so that we could buy some warm clothing. I bought a fleece. Along the way i bought a beanie hat (they are all the rage here! – You look weird without one) and when i was in Paihia a guy gave me his black gloves because he was off to Fiji and didnt need them there obviously. Well, those delights all ended the other night when I went to a club and someone stole my fleece with my hat and gloves in it. Nice! So now i’m freezing in Christchurch trying to wear all my clothes at the same time and still look human. I don’t want to buy another fleece because we are off to Aus next and I dont think i will need one there. Oh the delights!!
……….The other cool thing about the tram is that the driver gives you a bit of a commentry while it goes around – i am sure this gets a little repetitive if you go round more than twice too. The other attraction of Christchurch is punting on the River Avon. Janine and I did this the other day. The man dresses up in a silly suit and hat and just takes you down the river for half and hour. It is quite relaxing and must be gorgeous in the summer with all the pretty tress lining the river. I fell asleep on the way back to the boat shed – that relaxing!
Today Janine and I were out looking for a place to get some food and we wandered accross the Copenhagen Bakery and Cafe. Now you might be thinking – doesnt sound very kiwi like to me – but haha….this place sells a gold award winning gourmet vegetable pie – and kiwiland is famous for its pies – so I had one – and boy it was delish!! The best pie ive ever tasted. It had REAL vegetables in it too. Not like the rubbish we get at home.
Christchurch is quite good for nightlife, especially at the weekend. There is Manchester Street (whenever I say this i have to put on a mancunian accent) and the place we are calling ‘the stip’ although i am sure it has an official name. These bars stay open way later than ours at home tend to and they dont really get going until later too. There is no smoking anywhere inside in NZ so i am getting used to coming home and not smelling like a cigaratte myself – it’s quite refreshing. Just dont leave your fleece out of sight. I can just see my parents tutting away at this – i never learn do i?