Tsunami? In Hawaii?
Well there was a tsunami warning but luckily no actual huge tsunami!! They saw some waves and Hilo bay got flooded but that was about all! We were not allowed to pull into port at 7 am like usual this morning and instead we spent the morning and early afternoon out at sea a ways from Honolulu. We finally were allowed to head into port at 3 pm, but believe it or not there actually were quite a few guests who were mad about being forced to spend extra time on the ship today! Now we have a huge job of getting all the old passengers off, the new ones on, and all the provisions for this week on by midnight! It’s gonna be a long night but oh well you just gotta go with the flow! So thank you to everyone for all your concerns but things were not as bad as they could have been and I am definitely safe! Off to work and to try to make people happy after going through all the issues on the island!
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