I love my life
So I have been on an overland tour for about 3 days now with amazing people, ther are 11 of us including our guides! For now our guides are biggie, Paul our driver, and angus the regional manager training Paul,the rest of the characters are: matt, the pretty eye candy from Australia, Joe the cooky hilarious guy from Australia, Howard the guy who us too much older than us and terrible with one liners, Diana the youngest sweetest innocent girl from Australia, Bridget and kat the sisters from new Zealand, Catherine the kinda crazy new zealander and me! It’s really great! Yesterday we went through a safari of Kruger national park and it was amazing! We saw elephants, giraffes, rhinos, warthogs, lions, impala and loads of others!!! It was really awesome!! The last two days we were driving to and through Botswana and today we are staying at. Place called elephant sands… Ther is a huge watering hole right outside the bar and within 5 minutes of being here there was a huge elephant at the watering hole drinking and throwing water on itself! It was amazing… We’ve also seen a family of elephants tonight and the nights not nearly over! It’s amazing! And I’m loving being in safari!!! Keep in touch!!
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Wow!! I wish I was there, too! I hope you get to ride an elephant… or have one paint a picture and then buy it from him to give to me. Miss you!
Awesome! So excited for you! Where do you sleep without being run over?? Love to hear it- its snowing again here! Have lots of fun!
we sleep in tents but not near the watering hole!! and snow??? im melting here! miss you and love you!!
haha… these are wild elephants so there is none of that… but i still have lots of time! and i totally miss you and wish you were with me as well! you would love this overland tour!