Household f/x
We left DC back in September. Movers packed our household effects into giant crates on September 22. Our understanding was that the crates would then be shipped to Accra. It turns out that our stuff is in… Baltimore! Yes, over the past 55 days, the movers managed to transport those crates about 40 miles. It seems that we won’t be seeing that stuff any time soon.
The good news is that our vehicle (which left our DC street a few days before the household effects) has arrived. Hooray! That means we can now take weekend trips out of town and see more of Ghana. Exciting.
You may have been wondering what our house looks like. It’s not typical of all Accra houses, but it is typical of our neighborhood. Here’s a picture:
You can tell that it’s a duplex, attached to the house next door. Fortunately, that house is occupied by a friend.
Tags: house, Travel
November 16th, 2006 at 12:49 pm
Nice-looking house!