BootsnAll Travel Network

A man, a plan, …

We made it to that place with the canal. Giselle notes that it is a little known historical fact that before Ronald Reagan implored Gorbachev to “tear down this wall,” he asked the French president to “tear down this tower,”as well as asking the Panamanian president to “tear down this jungle” that separates Panama from Colombia. Alas, Reagan’s vision of the world has not been completely fulfilled. The road south does not continue through the Darien Reserve, a jungle reportedly full of narco-traffickers, guerrillas, paramilitary, and other creepy crawly things. Ok, we’ll take a plane.

canal warning

container ship in canal


2 Responses to “A man, a plan, …”

  1. dorothy Says:


  2. Posted from United States United States
  3. Krissy Says:

    hanging on for your next entries…is your car making it over that canal?

    Too bad there aren’t any skinny spots with a bridge you could drive over…
    someone should do something about that….lol!

    Ah, now all your friends know that you cavort with a super genius!

  4. Posted from United States United States
  5. Giselle Says:

    I don’t get your last sentence. Which one of us is a super genius?

  6. Posted from Panama Panama
  7. dorothy Says:

    Just popping back in to say Happy New Year!!!

  8. Posted from United States United States
  9. Shira Says:

    Just yesterday morning I saw a bio of Theodore Roosevelt and his big ditch. Against the congress he forged ahead to build a canal to block your way. Actually convinced the government to buy out the company building the canal at the time, who were decimated by malaria and rusted equipment. I hope you are taking that chloroquinine…

    Happy New Year!!! I missed your call by a second, it was good to hear your voice on the recorder. Best wishes and love from us all for a wonderful new year.

    Mom got a computer and Ron hooked it up for her. He’s given her lessons twice on what to do to connect to the Internet, but she can’t seem to remember what to do when she is on her own. But she does know how to turn it on, so that’s a start…

    Mom was over last night for our annual Hannukah party. It was fun. Maybe next year you can join us. Lots of latkes, gambling and general jocularity. We gamble with chocolate so you can eat your winnings. The whole meal was vegetarian. Becca has decided that she wants to be a vegetarian, but is having problems accepting that she will have to expand her palate, she lived for a week on macaroni and cheese at Disneyworld and was beginning to get bored with her choices (salad, spaghetti, cheese pizza…)

    Anyway, last year at this time we were hanging out with you in DC, now you’re far south of that and we’re gearing up for the neighborhood New Years party, hopefully not too much rain. Enjoy summer in the south and when you cross the Equator let me know if the toilet water flushes counter clockwise.
    And keep these journals coming – we love your humor!

    Love, Shira, Ron, Ian and Becca

  10. Posted from United States United States