BootsnAll Travel Network

Last day

central-america-trip-08-09-653.jpgIt can’t be 6 months already?

 Darn it is!

One thing I forgot to include in a prior post is there no shortage of wealth in the Rio Dulce area, there are more vessels in that area, from all over the world, that are worth more than most people’s dream homes would cost. Most owned by grey haired couples but more than a few by a grey haired guy with a young Latino at his side & some of them with small children.

All in all a nice day here on Caye Caulker despite a short shower around noon & a bit overcast to lessen the noonday heat which was HOT, HOT yesterday, another place I liked & on return is still a favorite, different from Antigua & wouldn’t want to live here full time but a great getaway place. If money were no object then a place here & another in Antigua would fit the bill nicely. While all The Pacific coast is nice and especially in El Salvador there’s something about the Caribbean that’s lacking elsewhere.

Getting my last taste of Caribbean & Latin food, jerk chicken with rice 7 beans accompanied by potato salad at a small take-out with a couple outside tables that is frequented by locals & SPICEY we’re talking FIRE here baby LOL. Last night snapper in a coconut sauce, rice, coleslaw & free rum drink included. Then breaky of tortilla’s, eggs, ham, beans, salsa & fried plantain with fresh pineapple juice only problem after the great coffee in both Cuba & Guatemala it sucks big time here. Lunch at The Lazy Lizard at the split curry shrimp with congri & mashed potatoes (es Belize can’t figure out if they’re English or Central American LOL). Going to have a major problem adjusting to Blah Canadian  food as I know the days of good congri are done & no “frijoles negra”, what ever shall I do????

Another problem is that while there are a few native Spanish speakers from elsewhere here on the whole you get kind of strange looks when ordering in Spanish, darn people speak English here & it’s a culture shock!! This afternoon I replied no por favor one of the few street sellers & got a funny look, guess most old white dudes don’t answer in Spanish but just seemed natural to me, Yep English Canada  is going to be culture shock for sure!

Getting time to pack for the last time & head out for a last dinner, think will go back to “The Tropical Paradise” resort restaurant good food & Spanisn spoken, group of French speakers from Canada in there last night & one of the group ordered in Spanish as their English was negligible. Then one last tropical breakfast at the little place on the way to the dock that opens at 06:00

Edit, Rum Punch; Edit, Rum Punch; Edit edit: OK just back from cena at “The Tropical Paradise” where there was a free Rum Punch with the specials which tonight was BBQ chose the Shrimp-Ka-Bob which was to die for served with good ole rice & black beans with cole slaw followed by cherry-cheesecake helado whoops Belize now so that would be ice cream LOL & then a few more Rum Punche’s. so that’s the clincher, live in or near Antigua & holiday on Caye Caulker about $100 Us away, accommodation from $8 back-packer UP. Sorry Cuba but even Baracoa can’t hold a candle to the Caye + no body, nuca presona asked for (demanded) money!!

So trip is almost over except for the crying & some censored words &  it’s the 07:30 water taxi to the city in the morning, land taxi to the airport on to Miami & a 5 hr lay over until end up back at Pearson at 23:30. Going to be a loooong day!

Bueno busman go beddy-bye now, Buenos noches.


9 responses to “Last day”

  1. Oncearound says:

    Well Dave, things are warming up in Ontario. Should be low twenties by the weekend.
    Happy trails

  2. Dave says:

    Yeah but 14 day shows below normal after weekend: did I mention Ontario sucks big time & never heard of the Onta River what gives with a stupid name like Onta anywhoo??

  3. Dave says:

    Otre Ron Punch por favor!!

  4. pinamimi says:

    I think you’re going to need more than one ron punch…..pretend you’re latino and mellow!! lol!!

  5. Dave says:

    Mellow in Crapanada???? On way home from airport needed a coffee & at 1:00 am only thing open was Tim Ho—-in Newmarked so we made the major mistake of stopping—ordered reg coffee & chocolate donut so brain dead moron gives a chocolete iced obnoxious donut & a cup of dishwater in a cup that burns your hands—OMG haven’t been so disgusted in 6 months, guess must be back in Crapanada Yech

  6. Oncearound says:

    Yep, stopped drinking Tims a long time ago. Happens every time – americans get a hold of something and mess it up!
    Welcome back!

  7. Dave says:

    Actually have to blame the Brits to because as far as I can remember the only bad coffee I had on the trip was in Belize with Cuba & Guatemala tied for first & in cerveza Cristal & Gallo also with the rest coming a close second. O yeah & Belkin beer in Belize is as bad as Bucanero fuerte.
    Almost went back Thursday but today wasn’t bad except no rice & black beans LOL

  8. OntarioTraveller says:

    Dave, my family is in Calgary and I work in Ontario. They still have snow and it is almost May. Ontario weather isn’t much better!

  9. Dave says:

    Know what you mean worked pipeline for Henuset Bros for a couple years in the area & the joke was Calgary only had 2 seasons Winter & Stampede week.