Not a lot to report, just taking Spanish classes & trying to get a grip on how they carry on business here. Have figured out 2 things, one is that the longer you are here & the more Spanish you learn the more likely you are to get answers & two every thing is done mañana.
Have found an importer that has the low down on bringing in buses & my neighbour knows the owner of one of the local chicken bus companies & is going to introduce me to him Saturday. Also met Fray Guiseppe Contran, ofm the director of the Asociación Obras Sociales del “Santo Hermano Pedro” La Antigua Guatemala www.obrashermanopedro.orga hospital here in Antigua run by the Dathloic church but heavily dependent on volunteers & more hindrance than help from the government. Talked about wheel chair busing & had a tour of the impressive facility. In my opinion any one wanting to help in Latin America would do far more good in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras or Nicaragua than Cuba, Costa Rica or Panama. Nicaragua is the poorest & in the most need from what I have seen, however they are now following Cuba’s example of universal free health care & schooling.
Went on a field trip with the Spanish school to San Antonio Aguas Calientes yesterday & this country never cases to amaze me. Beautiful small pueblo about 20 min away by chicken bus, 3 Q (about 40 cents) while there we had lunch in a local (non tourist) restaurant where lunch of pork, potatoes, tortillas & pastries stuffed with veggies chilies & meat, Oh can’t forget the black bean paste (an acquired taste but yummy), a filling lunch for 5 totaled 59 Q ($7) in Antigua likely, if could have found it about $7 each.
Weather steady at around 50oF nights & 75oF during the day & rainy season doesn’t start until May so just super LOL
Have been checking house prices in the area & around 15-20 minutes out from Antigua they drop from 1/3 to 1/2 so looking at rent for a nice 3 bedroom around $250/mo so this looks like this area of Guatemala will be home after my RTW.
Tags: Travel
Thanks for the update Dave. You are almost a local now. Just refresh my memory as to when you leave to fly back to Canada. Are you thinking of buying or renting a property on this trip ready for your return to Guatemala later this year?
Have to be back by Apr 23, haven’t checked flights yet but saw an American Airlines plane when we landed so I imagine they have a flight every day & they are my first choice for air travel.
Always believed people that said to rent for a minimum of one year before buying also have my RTW planned for next year & hopefully the US will have stopped printing valueless dollars by then & their money will be down where it belongs so prices will be lower. Then again with the low rental prices here once you get out of town a bit not sure if the hassle of property ownership is worth it.
hmmm…. complicated issue Dave, but I think the rest of the world will continue to prop up their currency, so reality tells me that I wouldn’t count on a big drop anytime soon.
Happy trails
Hello the rest of the world proping up US currency??? They’re doing it themselves printing money & manipulating world money markets.
Talk of Obama not legally being President as he was born in Kenya,the troubles on the Mexican border caused by the worlds biggest drug dealer & we all know who that is (starts with C ends In A), Russia (where GM built a car plant) & China aligning, Central & South America talking of merging markets & a common currency. The days of the US as the world leader are numbered. Obama can play Nero fiddle while the “Empire” crashes & burns LOL
wild…….will El Gato be relocating with you to Guatemala?
instead of driving the mobile home you’re going to ship it down? why not…but imagine the fun
and bonding you and Gato would have!! LOL that cat must miss you something awful!
be prepared for the cold shoulder for about a month lol
pina you bet will have to relocate El Gato to Guatemala, think will leave MH there for now as don’t need it here & would cost too much to drive down any way & can use it up there when I come up to buy buses or whatever
Meeting some realy interesting people here actualy just missed the real Patch Adams who was here in Antigua last month.
Hola Dave,
Been thinking. I suggest you do another 3 month stint before committing. Mid August to mid November – the wet hurricane season may give you a totally different perspective on SA, and living there year round. Just a thought.
Happy trails
A good thought & not going to buy any thing for at least a year but Antigua are is protected by mountians & the cobble stone streets are designed for fast water run off.
The 5000ft altitude gives a climate of eternal spring like Boquete Panama where there are no huricanes but also nothing to do.
Have to be between the tropics of Cancer & Capricorn to have decent weather so that definitely leaves Canada, which you are hinting at out. Can put up with a lot for NO snow LOL
i love the pix Dave….your pictures of the purple people are amazing! lol….week of the Saints? or holy week?
Didn’t manage to get a pick of the little ones around 4 yrs old dressed in their purple robes, really cute.
Not a very good video but gives an idea of Semana Santa but no pics can match being here