Panama already
OK rested up from the bus trip & moved out of hotel into hostel, feel almost human again so can give first impressions.
The first thing you notice when arriving by bus is the bus station is the first decent all buses go to the same station in a relatively decent part of town, a first since Mexico City. All the other capitol cities had about 4 different stations for different companies & they weren’t in any where near the best part of town, with the exception of Tica bus as even first class Lina Dorada was right in the heart of Guatemala City’s district 4.
The first hotel was in an area of cheaper ($40/night) lodgings in a not bad section not far from the bus station but the hostel Spanish school combination is another 15 minutes out in a nice part of the city. Think I subcounsly missed my stop in David as there is an open house here for people like me interested in retiring here tomorrow & I was kind of wanting to make it any way so now I am registered & will be going. Still have 10 days or so here & it’s only 440km so that’s a nice 1 day bus trip & it will kill 3 or 4 days but doubt I will be buying 1 of the $1,000,000 estate lots in a gated community in Boquette that were being advertised on TV last night.
So far Panama looks interesting but has to be pretty good to match Antigua as I have no use for cities much preferring the smaller towns with a max of about 65,000 but time will tell as of now I am still open but looks like between Guatemala & Panama with El Salvador & Nicaragua runners up LOL.
So it’s Panama open house tomorrow then the obligatory tour of the Canal after all it would be kind of silly to be here & miss that as it looked pretty awesome from where the bus crossed over it on the way in. Then????
Tags: Travel
lol…i’m sure to come and visit you when you retire there Dave!! lol
i’ll be staying at the Royal Decameron in Panama. We are going with my friend’s mom whos is in her late 70’s and mildly handicapped but enough to not be able to hoof it all over the resort…there are these little golf cart trains which bring you to different areas of the resort.
Hey Dave
Good to hear things are moving along for you …
You are now a seasoned traveller for us to pick you brain…
I may just have to catch a ride with Pina …
Cheers from Snowy GTA
Hey pina you’r going to love Panama!
Mardi you can pick my brain but I am afraid the majority couldn’t travel this way without Heinz ketchup LOL
lol….ketchup metchup lol…..i’ll just bring my bull’s eye!! lol
mardi you can hitch a ride with me anytime! lol
Just bring your self 77oF now high 90 LOL just couldn’t help that when I saw Lindsay is -6F
ha ha…..i’d love that temp about now!!