Same O, Same O
Same, Same, but different! Not sure what that means but it’s on thousands of T-shirts in Cambodia & it pretty much sums up my waiting game. Same old waiting game, but different as, guess I miscalculated the extent of age discrimination in Asia, just as bad as in Canada & I’m not going to be happy with the outcome.
Over 20 CV’s personally delivered + a few more, to schools outside PP emailed, resulted in only 4 interviews.
One person on a forum posted that much of the problem with jobs in Cambodia was the US economy was so bad that a lot of university grads were coming over as there was no work for them at home. Of course he was jumped on, as is typical on forums, when a truth is posted that most don’t want to accept! However my observations over the past couple months have proven him right.
Went around to a couple of schools in Sihanuokville today, that use foreign teachers but of course no openings in Cambodia’s only port city.
Oh well just enjoy the rest of the week on Ochheuteal Beach & see what Friday brings, in the meantime pricing the trip home via Bali, want to touch base with someone, & Hawaii. 🙂
Tags: Travel