B & B Update
Haven’t been able to post much in the last couple weeks as Claro, the only internet provider available here has been having connection problems. Today is the first time I have been able to upload any pics so will have to get busy on the B&B site.
We were fortunate that the Tsunami that devastated parts of Japan had spent itself by the time it reached the coast at Playa San Diego/La Libertad & caused no damage.
Finishing touches were put on Rancho Las Brisas (except for the mural by the gate) yesterday. Shall take a rest weekend & be ready for customers on Monday March 14, 2011.
BTW I just added some pics from Las Brisas on my new Picasa albums, nothing exciting, mainly of my reconstruction project.
Tags: Travel
I just got caught up on your blog after a long break (you were in Australia last I read). You’ve had a long journey and I’m glad you’re finally having a much deserved rest. I’m so sorry to hear of your mother’s passing. I think though that she was much happier in El Salvador than she would have been back north in those factory like nursing homes. Congrats on the new house and the Bed & Breakfast. It sounds like you finally found that new place to call home that you had been looking for in the beginning.
Think the best description for now would be, home base, still have some traveling to do before I settle down.
No regrets about bringing mother down here, while she wasn’t here that long, she was pretty much drug free at the end & herself on the good days.