BootsnAll Travel Network

8 days on the road in Mexico

There is something I have to get of my chest concerning the false perceptions of this country, fostered by subtle government interference of the western news media, which skews the reporting so it is actually propaganda, limiting the average persons understanding of world affairs to match that of the countries foreign policy. And the truth be damned!!

Saw the same thing this past April when I was in Bangkok during the “Red Shirt” demonstrations. The North American news reporting bore NO resemblance to the reality of the situation!

Same goes for Mexico where the propagandist manipulation of the 15 second news bites, makes a few border incidents + some drug gang related killings are presented in such a manner that it appears the whole country is a crime ridden, unsafe place to visit.

This scenario is blatantly false, as my 8 day trip proves, but when this is pointed out to certain people, I am accused of being rude & ignorant! Oh well some North Americans, Canadian especially deserve the government they get, & most likely never bothered to vote for!!

End of rant.

TomTom Tommy took me east along the border for the first half day after a basically painless crossing at Douglas then turned south through some gorgeous countryside. The first night brought me to a motel that the $40 US got me a room that would have cost 3 times that in the US. It was also the last night that I encountered anyone who spoke English.

The next 3 days was through much the same sort of ranch country, Tommy’s maps were severely lacking in this area & the American Automobile Association map I had acquired with the assurance that it was really good, was missing a lot of state roads. The price one pays for being independent!

As I started nearing the industrialized cities things got busier & the land friendlier with smaller farms replacing the huge dry land ranches.

Approaching Mexico City things became as rushed as any other North American city, so because of my inferior American made map, I relied on Tommy to get me through, which he did with splendid success. Must say though that my comparison of LA area drivers to Montreal taxi drivers, which is true, them Mexico City drivers would have to be classed as crazy Montreal taxi drivers. However Tommy & I met the challange & came through unscathed!

To be continued










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