Maybe it’s time??
The difference in attitude between the provincial civil servants of the BC government & those (simple serpents) in the rest of Crapanada (& especially the feds) is truly amazing!
In my travels I have noticed that an inordinate amount of the travelers I have met have been from the Pacific North-West, specifically Oregon, Washington states & Southern BC, including Port Alberni. Also that these travelers were more knowledgeable + all around nicer people than the average.
Not sure the reason why but it kind of makes me wonder why this area puts up with the BS that the Feds (both US & Canadian) impose on them? Think the sensible thing for them to do would be to succeed from their oppressive regimes & form their own country, which except from the fact that it unfortunately, north of the tropic of Cancer would be next paradise!
Food for thought guys & gals, the ball is in your court! I would go to bat for twinning with El Salvador!
Hmm, a Mediterranean climate twinned with a tropical one, now that’s Paradise!!!
Tags: Travel