It was bound to happen!
Well I guess I am now really an ex-pat though I still have a Canadian address.
The reason being that in my travels I have experienced enough to see through the propaganda fed us in the North American media & the lies told by our politicians but when I express my views in my blog I am attacked as being naive.
However in discussions with fellow travelers & ex-pats, no matter where or what country they are from there is general agreement.
When I wrote that I had visited a Chinese Traditional Medicine Clinic it elicited the following response “Careful, could be melamine or some other crap in that $100 placebo you purchased. I wouldn’t trust any of the meds – natural or not? from China”
I had in actuality visited, by request not part of the packaged tour, the Beijing Traditional Chinese Medical health Preservation Research Center where I was seen by a professor there (won’t mention the name in a public blog). This consultation was at NO charge with no pressure to purchase the prescribed meds which had all ingredients listed on the package. As I have no family doctor in Ontario since mine retired & I joined the other 900 or so thousand forced to use public clinics, I took advantage of the opportunity.
So when this good Canadian makes such a moronic statement on my blog I took offense. Then a friend of mine in response to another blog entry accuses me of “not being nice” to the person that made the offensive remarks as “he is a nice person”. Then goes on to say that if I continue in this vein I will loose blog followers.
I fail to see how a racist bigot can be classed as a “nice person”, only in Canada EH!!
As any one who has been following this blog knows in the beginning I stated that some entries might not be popular & I am not writing this for money or recognition of any sort but as a log of my experiences & feelings at the time they occur so I can look back on them in the future.
I could care less if any one reads or follows it but it is open for any who care to do so!
Until now I have never deleted a comment but there has to be an exception to every rule & life is too short to waste time on close minded individuals so I will not approve any more comments from Oncearound.
An ex-pat Canadian enroute to residence in Guatemala!
Tags: Travel
IMO your reaction made sense. Yes some might have perceived it as mean, but knowing how passionate you are about your views, I found it was inline with your style. Your style of writing and expressing your unique perspective is what makes this blog fun to read, so keep it up.
I just noticed that it is possible to add this blog to My Yahoo page. I have my e-mail with Yahoo, so I have my own custom Yahoo page with news, sports scores, horoscope, weather etc…..and now, your blog! So whenever you have a new entry, I will see it the same day on my Yahoo page 🙂
I am anxious to read more about your travels, it has been a while since we had an update, so where are you know, what interesting things did you see, what type of people did you meet??? You know, Harper was just in your corner of the world, same with Obama….
I also will continue to follow along.
Happy Trails
The above comments along with personal emails I have received + the fact that over 2800 people have made 15,600+ visits must mean I am doing something of interest.
BTW Oncearound I don’t jump into things blindly but carefully weigh my options keeping my mind open to new ideas & yes I have been treated badly by all things Canadian in the past few years & have had ENOUGH!!!
Dave – your blog is listed on my favourites.
I am really enjoying your blog and everyone is entitled to an opinion and that’s what makes it so interesting but I am glad that you are relaxing somewhat in the Phillipines and it is really a wonderful feeling that you can make a decision to do what YOU WANT and go where YOU WANT!!!! Fantastic ain’t it!!!! Dave, I am so glad that we finally met back in August…at least I can put a face to a name and keep typing away because I am enjoying this blog.
Just a few days ago, I bought meds from the Beijing Traditional Chinese Medical health Preservation Research Center — I’m back home in the U.S. now and started googling this center. As a result, I’m afraid to take the meds so can you tell me how it worked out for you? I’d hate to think I was just “robbed” of my hard earned savings when I purchased a 3 month supply of meds.
I also purchased a 3 month supply which I took while on my trip.
They medication acted as promised with no side effects or problems, in my opinion the center is run by health care professionals whose diagnosis can be trusted. I would certainly put more faith in them than Google.