earthquake shock – 209 dead
I know I wrote a post earlier today or yesterday saying that I am fine. I only now read the news reports about the earthquake. I didnàt realize how big it was, adn that aftershocks continue in the area. It was actually quite close to where I was that night, though I was asleep and felt nothing. I feel very grateful for not having been hurt. I apologise for not having written to let you know that I am okay!
Apparently 209 people are now dead. I was actually thinking on the train the day before the quake how the landscape shows so much evidence of tectonic instability. Whole hills cut in half from landslides and such. Also, Assissi had suffered a major quake in 1997, which destroyed parts of their main Basilica.
If anyone at any time doubts my whereabouts or safety, Luis is in touch daily and can fill you in. He has my cell number, and so does Danchyk.
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Glad you’re okay, and having fun!!! Miss you here, Valya! I haven’t read all your posts yet… but will do so soon….