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Farm Update

Monday, April 27th, 2009

So I am sneaking a few mintues on the internet here just to let you all know that as usual, my optimism and naivite have shown themselves: all of you knew I was headed for a commune, but I was positive this was an organic farm and place to sculpt and learn more about some stuff I am interested in. It’s a commune. Of one. And those silly enough to give him money to come cook for him.

I sign off now, hoping that day one of the modified workshop without workshop facilitators will change my opinions of the place.

I wonder why being close to the earth and artistic must so often be coupled with a way of being that includes free love, drugs, and a “if it feels right it is” attitude.

On the bright side, the fog has cleared and it is in fact a beautiful landscape just outside the door. At least that part of the course description is true.

Edible Scenery of Switzerland

Sunday, April 26th, 2009

After leaving paradise on Friday morning (very reluctantly, needless to say), I headed to Geneva to visit my cousin and her husband.

I had a very brief and very lovely visit with her, involving visiting a local market, walking by Voltaire’s chateau, and going out for a crazy good dinner. We had a picnic lunch by lake Geneva, and as I spied the mountains across the lake, I had a crazy urge for chocolate. Obviously the Swiss chocolate marketing campaigns have been very successful.

Transit, tumult, tears and telephones

Tuesday, April 21st, 2009
Monday April 20 Today was a day of transit from Athens to Rome, filled with deep personal tumult and teary phone calls to the Arctic where the most amazing person I know is currently residing. She got me through the storm, ... [Continue reading this entry]

The Halftime Review

Wednesday, April 15th, 2009
Okay, i'm now more than half way through this journey and it's time for a review: 1. Take the path less trod - I've gotten lost a few times, but I think this one has yet to be fully realized. I ... [Continue reading this entry]

I want to go home

Wednesday, April 8th, 2009
Well, on day seventeen, here it is: I just want to go home. I am off to my beloved;s favourite city, but without him. I am lonely and tired of loneliness. Ah well. Not sure what possessed me to do ... [Continue reading this entry]

earthquake shock – 209 dead

Tuesday, April 7th, 2009
I know I wrote a post earlier today or yesterday saying that I am fine. I only now read the news reports about the earthquake. I didnàt realize how big it was, adn that aftershocks continue in the area. It ... [Continue reading this entry]

Lunch with Random Stranger and other Bolognese thoughts

Tuesday, April 7th, 2009
I have learned why eating is actually a social thing. Eating alone is okay, and I often write in my journal to keep myself occupied, as if I were talking to someone, but in the end, I really really enjoy ... [Continue reading this entry]


Tuesday, April 7th, 2009
There was an earthquake somewhere in Italy yesterday morning. I was not in it, and I am okay, for anyone checking this for my whereabouts and safety. I am now in Bologna. I did not even hear of an earthquake. ... [Continue reading this entry]

Roma Pitstop

Wednesday, April 1st, 2009
I am in Rome. A full day of flying, starting with arriving at the airport far too early. I ate a REAL English Muffin with butter and jam, which used to be my favourite thing as a kid. The muffins ... [Continue reading this entry]

Flying by the seat of my longjohns

Tuesday, March 31st, 2009
Well, I've spent the last gruelling two and a half hours in this internet cafe having my heart ripped out by the sappiest songs all about loneliness and love.  BUT I did manage to make a decision (yay!) and am heading ... [Continue reading this entry]