BootsnAll Travel Network

Farm Update

So I am sneaking a few mintues on the internet here just to let you all know that as usual, my optimism and naivite have shown themselves: all of you knew I was headed for a commune, but I was positive this was an organic farm and place to sculpt and learn more about some stuff I am interested in. It’s a commune. Of one. And those silly enough to give him money to come cook for him.

I sign off now, hoping that day one of the modified workshop without workshop facilitators will change my opinions of the place.

I wonder why being close to the earth and artistic must so often be coupled with a way of being that includes free love, drugs, and a “if it feels right it is” attitude.

On the bright side, the fog has cleared and it is in fact a beautiful landscape just outside the door. At least that part of the course description is true.


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