Made it to Perth

but just barely!

The morning we were flying out, we went to post stuff home so we didn’t have to carry it but the post office took so long we were late to the airport. We arrived at the airport 15 mins before our flight was supposed to take off!!! I sent Eveilne ahead to get us checked int or at least let them know we were here while I struggled with our luggage. After checking, we ran towards the security checkpoint. And of course, what happens when you’re in a rush? My bag gets identified as one of interest! turns out it’s a roll of tape they were interested in. I”m there telling the guy, “keep it!, keep it!!” all while dancing from one foot to the other, inching my way towards the gates and hearing my name being paged for last call to board on the PA system. Finally, I get let go and I run make i to my gate!

hiya! I’ve been in perth a couple of days now. it’s pretty cool. small downtown compared to melb and syd but seems nice. Everything here is under construction so you can feel that the city is getting bigger and is going places.

The night before Eveline and I left for Adelaide we cooked up a big storm and invited everyone to come over and feast as a thank you for everything. We made so much food! Beef and veg samosas, dukkah, little anitpasto rolls, veg quiches, cheese and grapes and apple flaps(turnovers) for dessert. supposed to hav emade for 10 people, we made for about 20!
