The show started off with Nitza as the opening act. The music was beautiful but her voice sounded a bit flat (probably needed more warmup). Part way through her set, the mic cut out and she improvised by dancing until they got their act together and gave her a new one. Ian bought her CD […]
Brent’s Birthday Lunch
by Bertha on 16. Oct, 2006 in Canada 2006, Pictures
Last weekend, Brent and I went for lunch at Fiore’s. We had lots of appetizers and had a good time catching up.
Weekend Activities
by Bertha on 13. Oct, 2006 in Canada 2006
Last night I skipped hockey (*gasp!*) to go out on a date with Adam. Had a great dinner and afterwards we went to LaserQuest to play a game. Fortunately for me, I remembered from Mike J/Morgan’s party a guy who said he worked there. He happened to be working that night and he gave us […]
Wendy on Medical Leave
by Bertha on 12. Oct, 2006 in Canada 2006
Some horrible news, Wendy, my co-worker will be off for the next few months because they will be amputating her entire leg on Saturday!!! She’s been battling cancer for at least a year now and has already had operation(s). I guess it’s spread now. I did notice they were interviewing some people this morning for […]
Thanksgiving Weekend
by Bertha on 10. Oct, 2006 in Canada 2006
Was nice and relaxing and yet, I feel I’ve been on the go a lot. Met up with Brent for his birthday lunch to catch up on everything the past couple of months and together we went looking at some backpacks and other supplies he might need for his 5 week journey to Japan next […]
Hockey Injury
by Bertha on 08. Oct, 2006 in Canada 2006
Last Thursday at hockey was a pretty good time even though we only had 8 people turn up. 3 on 3 is fun and refreshing for me since I actually get a chance at the ball and I feel more responsibility to step up my game and contribute. The teams were evenly matched and I […]
by Bertha on 05. Oct, 2006 in Canada 2006
They have been interviewing for my position today and will be again tomorrow. I hope we will find some good candidates because I’m starting to get a bit ansy and it’s not helping the proofing any. I always feel at the end of the day that I’m still way behind. But I don’t want to […]
Happy Thanksgiving Weekend
by Bertha on 04. Oct, 2006 in Canada 2006
This weekend in Canadian Thanksgiving (about a month ahead of the American one). Why is the Canadian earlier than tha American one? Well, personally I think it’s partially because we freeze earlier way up here but according to the Canadian government,we have moved Thanksgiving around for a long time. Here’s the history of Thanksgiving. My […]
The Big Swing Question
by Bertha on 01. Oct, 2006 in Canada 2006
I was speaking with a friend about going on the swings when he mentions the act of someone pushing from behind and going underneath the swinger. He called this an “Underduck” and I call it an “Underdog”. Neither of us had ever heard of the other name for it but I’m just wondering, what do […]
Today was a good day
by Bertha on 30. Sep, 2006 in Canada 2006
Today I had to drive some products to the international airport. A nice break from the everyday routine. As I’m driving, the radio starts to play Prince’s “Kiss” came on. And of course, no one(at least not I) can help but smile and sing along to “I just want your extra time and your..(insert kissing […]