The show started off with Nitza as the opening act. The music was beautiful but her voice sounded a bit flat (probably needed more warmup). Part way through her set, the mic cut out and she improvised by dancing until they got their act together and gave her a new one. Ian bought her CD during the intermission.
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The main show was amazingly beautiful. The set and effects of video on movable, semitransparent curtains was really cool. There was one little dissappointment for me though. I thought the music was showcased much more prominantly than the acrobatics that they are known for. Maybe it’s because I expect a lot of acrobatics based on the telvision specials I’ve seen and maybe they can’t do as impressive things with the type of stage they need to use (easily built and movable). But Ian also mentioned the lack of acrobatics after the second song. By the end though Ian’s acrobatic quotient was satisified while mine was maybe half full and it has reinforced the fact I want to take that arial arts class in January…
Cirque du Soleil
by Bertha on 16. Oct, 2006 in Canada 2006, Pictures
Tags: Canada 2006, Pictures