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Getaway Retreat

The Great Gathering Getaway Retreat for a whole weekend of scrapbooking might be a bit much for me but since it’s being held at the Village Creek Country Inn I’m sure I can squeeze in a massage or facial or something somewhere for a break from the scrapbooking.

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Canadian Finals Rodeo

The Canadian Finals Rodeo is this weekend and unfortunately I booked myself into a scrapbooking retreat for the same weekend. I’ve never been to the finals but they are selling tickets for $10.00 so had I not been prebooked, I would be going. It’s cheaper than a movie! If you find the finals boring, you […]

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Happy Halloween!

The ragtag workers who dressed up for halloween. This evening I hope to make it to Beau and Jana’s annual Haunted House to have a squizz! Edit: Beau and Jana’s haunted house was pretty impressive again this year. I came late so I missed some of the most impressive new improvements because the actors/deadbodies were […]

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Good Weekend

Woke up this morning Saturday morning to a gorgeous view of a blanket of white snow covering the dry pond in the backyard. The temperature was still close to zero so walking around outside was very appealing to me. I don’t know if it’s because I haven’t seen snow in 2 years but there’s something […]

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Visiting at Work

Leah, a former coworker, came by yesterday with the cutest, newest edition to her family. She’s actually selling the little ones (6 of ’em) for 400.00 if anyone is interested. They are a Bichon/Shizu cross so they are nonshedding and hypo-allergenic.

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Little Miss Sunshine

Watched this movie with Adam last night at the Garneau(local indy theatre) and I have to recommend it for everyone! It was hilarious!! Many people in the audience laughed so hard and loud that it made me laugh harder than normal.Little Miss Sunshine has a lot of bigger stars in it too, Greg Kinnear(from As […]

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Brownie Points

Char and I have got Monday nights down for swimming and, because of Adam’s hunting trip, I didn’t get to see him since Thursday. On Sunday he decided to join us for laps at the pool. Sure, why not. Boasting about his Maroon Badge in swimming (when we were young, swimming levels were designated by […]

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Girly Weekend

YAY! I was being quite slack on buying tickets to the Cat Empire show until the day of and unfortunately, the show was sold out! SUCKS! That’s what I get for being lazy. So I spent Friday night at home, chilling in front of the tv. It’s good though, I needed a night in anyways […]

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New Staff

So LeAnna and Peter G (Pete) have been working out alright in the proofing department thereby freeing me up to work in other areas. The drawback is that I don’t really have a desk anymore, at least not until they finish renovating the new bay of the store. So right now I’m jumping from desk […]

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Adam took me out to a nearby motorcross track yesterday and although it was raining and muddy, it looks like a hell of a lot of fun! We were there only a little while because of the cold and rain but I think we had a good chat to and from the city (it was […]

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