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Abel Tasman Trail

Way easier than Tongariro but still very long and had it’s challenging parts as well. This was 11 km and 6 hours. Had a 45 minute lunch break at a beach though. The waters were crystal clear, aqua blue which kinda implied warmth but it is very deceiving because it is ice cold! The trail […]

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Wellington Planetarium

Yesterday I went to the really cool cable car and took a ride up to the top of the lookout there where there is a botanical gardens and a planetarium. The botanical gardens were quite beautiful although I didn’t get to see it all since I wanted to do the planetarium show. I was the […]

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Tongariro Pictures

Can you see the opening credits of LOTR? View of one of the mountains in the national park Mona and Dave (random guy in middle) climbing the south ridge Mt. Doom in the Background. Better known as Mt. Ngurahoe.

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Now that’s a Name!

And it kinda was too! It was Labour Day Monday on the 24th so the cafe had a 15% surcharge on your bill. It happens in every business open on a Public Holiday.

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Te Papa Museum

If there is only one thing you do in Wellington, it should be to visit Te Papa Museum! The entire day today was spent there trying to see all the exhibits and I spent 5 hours there but I didn’t manage to cover it all. And I found out later there were walks and exhibits […]

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Tongariro Crossing near Taupo

Let me just say that you all will be very proud of me for doing this crazy, crazy trek! As Dave (or E-VIEL as I like to call him) can attest to when we went hiking up that stupid mountain in Banff with Eddie, I do not like steep mountain climbs. Actually, I am more […]

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Taupo Skydiving

Skydiving with Taupo Tandem Skydiving was pretty cool! I had woken up this morning at 8am cuz I had to check weather conditions. The clouds have made the past few days unavailable for skydiving. Fortnately, I managed to get my dive in today at 1pm! the scariest part of it though was watching the video […]

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Rotorua Zorbing

Was AWESOME! I loved it so much I paid for a second run! I did a two person wet ride with the Joci, the girl I met travelling, just cuz it is cheaper but we realized that the longer, zig zag course was only for single riders so we both did it a second time. […]

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so, I”ve just finished my emails and logged into the blog to get ready to update when the timer goes off to tell me I”ve only got 5 mins. So, this will be short and sweet and will fix it up later! Been Blackwater Rafting in the glowworm caves in Taupo. Very cool. I love […]

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Very lovely little suburb on the north shore of Auckland. I did a historical walking tour and included my own stops at the old Naval base and the extinct volcano, Mt. Victoria. Both provided excellent views of Auckland. There was a school group or something at the naval base playing some kind of game in […]

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