Archive by Author

Rap Jumping

Today I booked an abseiling and rap jump but as I walked towards the train station to catch the bus, the tour called to say that the rocks were too wet to go. *wah* I’m sad, I just have to remember to book it when I return to Brisbane on my way around back to […]

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Happy October Birthdays

Hi guys, I realized that it’s the most popular month to be born in the group this month. So happy birthday to Dave, Dustin, Brent…Jenn Ng too. Let me know what you guys are doing for the big day(s).

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Tweety & Beauty

Benton has these really cute cockatiels that are really nice. I thought I’d share a few pictures of them. Tweety adopted the Tan family after probably running away from home a few years back. He is the one on my shoulder. But you can’t pet him really, he has a tendency to bite. Beauty, on […]

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Happy Thanksgiving

Yeah, so it was thanksgiving and I didn’t even realize it. So Happy thanksgiving to you people and hope you guys had some yummy turkey, gravy, cranberry sauce, and Yorkshire puddings. *drool*

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Cousin Benton

Met cousin Benton today. He came to pick me up at the bus station. Was a little bit ackward for the first little while, but that’s what happens when you meet after about a 20 year gap… Afterwards, we went to the Queen Street mall and ran into a couple of his friends. We walked […]

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The most Easterly point in Australia is in Byron Bay so I got up this morning at the obscene hour of 4am and went on a hostel shuttle to the lighthouse at the Cape. The daybreak had already happened but the sun wasn’t up yet. Took a walk around the lighthouse to the most easterly […]

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Surfing Pictures

Here are my awesome pictures of surfing. Dig it! Carving… I met a really nice Montreal girl named May on the surf trip and we have spent the next 2 nights hanging out and stuff. She is at the end of her journey and is headed home soon. There is a pic of her in […]

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Surfing Class

So my surfing class went quite well considering the conditions. The wind was quite wicked. One of the instructors said it was 18 knots, whatever that means. And it was northerly so we had to fight wind and choppy surf to get out into the water. I managed to stand up on the second attempt! […]

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Byron Bay

The travel to Byron Bay from Sydney was 14 hours by a combo of Train and bus. The surprising thing is that the train costs just as much as the bus and both take about 14 hours. If I had the forsight to book my trip two weeks in advance my train ticket would only […]

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New category

If you want to keep track of me in New Zealand, I’ve created a new Category. I know that some of you click on the category link so you don’t necessarily see all the postings and what order they were posted. So if you are one of those people, just lick on New Zealand to […]

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