Met cousin Benton today. He came to pick me up at the bus station. Was a little bit ackward for the first little while, but that’s what happens when you meet after about a 20 year gap…
Afterwards, we went to the Queen Street mall and ran into a couple of his friends. We walked the south bank and I saw Griffith Uni music campus and the city beach. After that, Benton took me to the lookout for a view of the city and then we walked a 1.5km trail around the area. It was supposed to take us to the CJ Slaughter falls but the entire thing was dry and I didn’t see anything remotely resembling a “falls” area. We did pass a platform that I think was supposed to be the lookout for the falls but if it was it would only have been a couple of feet high.
Who names a brook a falls? and Slaughter falls! Sounds scary or impressive, but no.