Fleeing Costa Rica for Nicaraguan family life
Tuesday, March 18th, 2008Right – so, once again, deployment tomorrow morning. Last phase – and the phase that I was most attracted to orginially: working and living in a community with the youth participants. So, this means that I have been very lucky to be one of only 3 project managers who have been assigned to all three types of phases – plus, this mobility means that, for this phase, I get the priviledge of ‘reuiniting’ with 4 participants…2 each from phase 1 and 2. I will be working in Nicaragua – specially, we will be travelling to a town called La Fortuna and working with the cooperative ‘Miraflor’. La Fortuna is located in Miraflor National Park and is meant to be absolutely stunning so CANNOT WAIT.
Here is the official Raleigh description: The Miraflor reserve is 206sqkm of beautiful mountainous terrain with various different ecosystems, including tropical savannah, dry tropical forest and mountain cloud forest [read on]