Am Home! However, a few more blogs pending…
Monday, June 16th, 2008Have arrived home13 days ago …ok, well, the last 7 days have been spent over in Halifax – presented my undergrad research (via poster presentation) @ the Canadian Psychological Association convention; which proved to be an effective means to switch my focus back to that area of my life. This even despite trying to figure out how to answer the question that has been plaguing me (via other people) since January – “So Bobbie, what do you do back home? Are you a (grad) student? Do you work?” blah, blah, blah…I settled for some version of “I’m dabbling” to “I’m transitioning” to “Nothing”. haha. Anyhow, the purpose of this blog is simply to update any of those who have not given up on checking my site – I do have a few more posts to come, covering my time in Utila, Honduras as well as Guatemala. And there’s a few goodies that occurred over my last 2 weeks of travel … so, don’t give up, check back is what I’m trying to say!