Lubeck: And a super New Year
Monday, January 2nd, 2006Vvvvvvwwwwooooooooooom!!!!
The sounds of rockets firing filled my ears. Smoke engulfed everyone around me in the narrow, snow-covered street. For as far as I could see in either direction, rockets were being propelled into the air amidst a shower of orange sparks, flying up into the dark night to explode in a colourful umbrella of more sparks. I crouched down in front of the plastic bottle standing in the street. In my left hand I held a small wooden stick, attached to which was a rocket with a short fuse. In my right hand was a cigar. I swung around a bit so Bec could get some footage of me, “Careful, careful,” said the man next to me whilst lighting his own rocket. Shit, I nearly had a rocket up the arse; not the best way to start a new year.
Cause folks, this was New Years, German style.