Bosnia: Bec breaks another Bosnian heart
Sunday, September 25th, 2005After some amazing days in Sarajevo, Bec and I caught a 10am train to Zagreb. During those amazing days, we did actually manage to work out what curreny they used, a Bosnian Mark, worth a little bit less than an Aussie dollar. But unfortunately, changing Bosnian Mark is a very difficult thing, and we were stuck with the problem of trying to spend every last Mark we had before boarding the train.
At the ticket counter, we were unable to pay in Euros, and didn’t have enough Mark to pay for our two tickets, so we asked the attendant how much the tickets were, and headed to the Bankomat to get the 110 Mark he had indicated we would need. We came back cashed up, and asked for two tickets to Zagreb.
“That’s 89 Mark” replied the attendant.
Uh, we’d just loaded ourselves with 120 of these bloody things, and so afer buying the tickets were stuck with 30 Mark, about 25 Aussie dollars. We had ten minutes before the train left, and 25 bucks to spend in a dingy train station. I left Bec on the platform and ran into the station to offload as much of this cash as I could.