Visit the Family
Sorry it’s so late but we were really busy with a tight scedule. Today was nice visiting my family but I only got a picture of me and my great grandparents. I wasn’t able to get other pictures of my other family members because I just never got the chance to get my camera out of my mom’s purse.
This morning for breakfast we met up with my great grandparents and grandparent’s. It was a fun morning eating at “El Torito” for breakfast with all of the delicous things surrounding us. For lunch we went to my uncle’s restaraunt, “Marechiarios” and we also met up with him and hi “fiance” for lunch but by the time they got their we had just finished eating. We talked for about an hour or two and the we had to leave. I also visited my grandma/Nonna and some of her family members and we had dinner together and we hung out at her empty house earlier (Her house is empty because she is going to sell it and then she is moving out and already her house is packed up all of the memories.) So today was really a fun day.
Here are some photos of me, my great grandparents, and my parents. SEE THE NEXT POST TOMORROW (I hope I’ll get to do it.)
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