4 of July/A day to Remember
Sorry folks about all of the days I missed to write a post. I can’t really remember what we did for the past few days except for Friday when we went to Legoland. It was so much fun taking a ride on a whole bunch of rides. It was an awesome day and by the end of the day we were all “pooped out” from the long and exhausting day. On Saturday we spent the night at Nonna’s house. We all went to see “Toy Story 3” and ten we went to Peter Piper for some pizza and we also played at the arcade there. When we were having pizza we also met up with our cousins for dinner. Today for breakfast we went to El Torido again. Then we went to our uncle’s house for the Fourth of July and we had lunch there but then we came back to my grandpa’s house and out here since 4:00 but right now we are leaving to go and see fireworks at my cousin Forrest’s house his two sisters Abigail and Emma and his parents Jake and Tammi. Today is the last day of me and my family in San Diego except I’m not going home with them. So Oaxaca HERE I CCCCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See the next post tomorrow (if I get to)
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