BootsnAll Travel Network


a note about the photos that i forgot in the last post. the first few were taken from the plane and there was some awesome lightning we could see near colombia that i tried to capture. el kangaroo se llama, creo, Fred Murdock. the kangaroo is named Fred Murdock. he is our represent the US mascot with his flag pin and red white and blue headband that i made and al put on his head. the photos with our arms up in victory were taken at the summit of volcan ruco pichincha. chao!


3 responses to “photos”

  1. lauren manicone says:

    Annie love, check your email?

  2. jen says:

    Fred Murdock has a brother here in the States. His hand was recently chewed off by Sam. He sends his regards to Fred and says congratulations on being the first kangaroo to reach the summit of any mountain; especially on in Ecuador where kangaroos are not indigenous peoples. <3

  3. Dadba says:

    Annie, Please come home in one piece. Those mountains look steep…

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