Alta Gracia
Wednesday, May 26th, 2010i stayed in Santa Rosa de Calamuchita for 2 weeks even though when i arrived i thought i would spend a few days. last weekend the daughter of Diana, the woman i was staying with arrived and later her niece from Rosario. we spent the weekend traveling around the little towns including a town that is pedestrian only called la Cumbrecita, Villa General Belgrano, Villa Ciudad Parque. we went out for coffee and explored around. i left Santa Rosa yesterday afternoon and Diana asked me if i would be coming back after going to Cordoba. i told her i did not want to impose and stay too long with her couchsurfing, but she said she loves having me and wants me to visit again. i will have to see how my plans go but i would like to visit again, whether it is in this trip or with Al on our honeymoon in a few years. she invited us both to stay with her in a few years when we come back. i got off the bus and Emi, another girl from couchsurfing picked me up from the road (the buses here do not enter, they just drop you off on the highway) and we drove around Alta Gracia a little then went back to her apartment. it is little, she lives alone but it is very nice. we went out for drinks last night with friends of hers. it is difficult now because the computers here do not have headsets so i cannot call Al until next week. tonight we are going to her spinning class at the gym and tomorrow Emi and i will go to Cordoba together in the afternoon. tonight also i bought a new bodega torrontes to try out with some cheese and baguette. this afternoon Emi and i explored Alta Gracia, it is the childhood home of Che Guevara, the revolutionary from Argentina that was active in the Cuban revolution and good friend of Fidel Castro. many Argentines idolize Che Guevara. there is a museum in his home that we did not go in but visited from the outside. there was a plaque that explained that in 2006 Chavez and Castro visited the museum. yesterday was the bicentinario de la patria (200 year anniversary of Argentina´s first own government) and we went to the parade and there was a ceremony in which doves were released to symbolize peace and freedom. i ate locro which is a typical Argentina stew and empanadas for lunch and dinner too. if you talk to Al tell him i love him.
that is all i can think of for now.
chao y besos,