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Archive for June, 2010

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buenos aires

Wednesday, June 16th, 2010

i left Alta Gracia on Sunday and went to Cordoba, where i took a train to Rosario. was in Rosario for 3 days, where i went running by the water and explored the city center with the Monument of the Flag and the famous street Las Oroños. today i took a bus to Buenos Aires. i am staying with a friend of a friend in Palermo, in the center of the city. this is a very young neighborhood with a lot of bars and  good restaurants, known as Viejo Palermo. i am very lucky to be able to stay here with good people. from the bus terminal i took the subway to get here, it reminded me of NYC and made me very happy. we cooked a dinner of homemade raviolis, salad, garlic bread and cabernet sauvignon. tomorrow morning is game 2 for Argentina of Mundial, the world cup. it is huge here, the streets are silent when the game is going on, and then after everyone rushes to work. i will wear my Argentina soccer jersey again, and Fred Murdock will watch with me too. i am staying with Amy and her boyfriend Bruno now. Amy is from Clarence, and her boyfriend is from Buenos Aires. they met in Costa Rica, but 8 months Amy has been living and working here. tomorrow after the game i will explore the rose garden of Palermo and the park across the way, then go to the Plaza de Mayo (where the women still protest for their missing children from the Dirty War) and Puerto Madero, maybe have time to see Avenida Florida and Galerios Pacificos. there is so much to see here, so many different neighborhoods to explore and only 4 days! on Sunday night i will catch my flight to Toronto and within a week and half i will be working again in Chautauqua. it is very hard to believe all of this. i am not looking forward to talking in English all the time, i have very much enjoyed my year of Spanish. though with Al we will talk in Spanish through emails and on skype. other than Al i have 2 friends that also speak Spanish, so i will have some opportunities to practice the language, but i will be teaching in English and with my family and most of my friends talking in English. Amy does not speak much Spanish, and her boyfriend does, so with her i am talking English and with her boyfriend Spanish, so it is good middle ground practicing for now, until the real shock of being home again after being away for 10 months. please have patience with me as i do not know how i will adjust to this big change.

¿como andan? ¿todo bien? nos vemos dentro de un rato. cuidense.

un beso,


final weeks

Sunday, June 6th, 2010

i am back in Alta Gracia. through couchsurfing i have met two friends, Diana in Santa Rosa de Calamuchita whom i visited twice, and Emy in Alta Gracia. i am now staying with Emy also for the second time. my plan was to leave here on wednesday night by train but Emy and her friends have almost convinced me to stay until next Sunday so we can go to a tango competition on Friday night and a birthday celebration of a friend of theirs on Saturday night. yesterday i had a very typical Argentina day. we made empanadas with a friends mom, and then went to a tango class. the profe is competing in a tango competition this friday in Cordoba and we might go.

on friday afternoon i went running the longest distance i have ever gone. i ran from Santa Rosa to Villa General Belgrano and back. it was a total of 16km. i was so sore after that i had to take a nap and take a later bus to leave Santa Rosa, i did not have the energy to leave right after lunch. but after my  nap when i did leave, Diana was so sweet, she told me she will be sending me a package with a few of my favorite things from Argentina and invited Al and i to stay with her when we come back to Argentina for our honeymoon. she told me i am always welcome to stay with her, there will always be a bed ready for me. she also invited me to come back for a few nights this week but i had to decline because i will be going to Rosario to couchsurf with another girl for a few nights after going to Buenos Aires for my last few nights. if i stay in Alta Gracia another week, i dont have time to back to Santa Rosa. i only have 2 weeks left! i cant believe that in a trip of 10 months i only have 2 weeks. it is so little. i have been enjoying buying new earrings and borrowing clothes from Emy because i am so tired of the same few shirts and pants i have worn the whole year. i bought an Argentina soccer jersey for me and one for a friend, and will be buying a Mundial shirt too in Cordoba this week. i have been drinking a lot of mate as well, i am thinking of buying a mate and hierba to bring back too. as well as spices for making empanadas because i cant buy exactly the same in the States.

i keep putting up new photo sets on flickr, so check there if you´d like.

 chau chau.

un beso,
