BootsnAll Travel Network

bendita lal luz

we dont have much time to write because we need to eat dinner and go dancing in a little while but i thought i would write a bit. on sunday we went to the country with the Oñas and had a wonderful 3 days eating amazing food, and spending time with the family. on monday the day of the dead we went to Isinlivi to the Mass and then walked around and put cards and flowers on all of the graves of the deceased family members of Clever, the father of their family. the cemetary wa filled with people and the Mass was there in the cemetary. interesting. we came back tuesday night and got ourselves ready to work on wednesday. i had a very busy 3 days at work and on friday i took 6 children to the doctor to get their eyes checked, topographic exams, and 3 to get their glasses. they were very happy trying on frames. last night we had a good bye party for Daniel, our friend from Berlin. this morning we were going to go to Latacunga but we decided to stay in and relax and play guitar and make chocolate with the cacao we bought in the amazon in Misahualli. we had chocolate fondue with piña (pineapple) and strawberries that was really good. i had several stores and then a restaurant looking for a grinder for the cooked cacao before a man from a restaurant loaned me his. then we went running in Ichimbia and lifted weights. tonight we might go salsa dancing? tomorrow we will spend the day with the Oñas and make lasagna after Mass. hope you all are well.

con amor,

Annie y Al


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