BootsnAll Travel Network

Off to the Missions

In about 12 hours we will begin our long travel day.  We start at 8:30am in Buffalo Airport, to Charlotte, to Miami, to Bogotá, ending in Quito around 11pm.  Ecuador does not practice Day Light Savings, so they did not “Spring Ahead” an hour with us.  Other than that hiccup, it’s the same “Eastern Standard” time zone.

 Ecuador is just coming out of its wet season, so the weather should be comfortable.  The temperature should be between 60˚ and 70˚ for the entire Fall Semester.  Normally, being so close to the equator, one would think it to be warmer.  But Quito’s elevation is about 10,000 feet, so that cuts the temperature a bit.

 When we get to where we are going, and get to a computer, we will write a post to let everyone know that we are safe and sound.  We should have somewhat regular access to computers.  If CENIT has accessible computers, we could write posts every few days.  If CENIT does not have computers for us to use, then it may be a week or two between blog posts.

See you on the other side . . . . . of the world.


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