BootsnAll Travel Network

20 days until we leave!

So i have two more weeks of teaching here at Chautauqua until i go home for the long weekend and get myself ready to leave. it feels like there is so much to do and not that much to do at the same time because i’ve already done so much preparation for the trip. i went through my packing list today seeing if there is anything i can cross off in an effort to live more simply this next year and travel more lightly. i am proud to say that last week i met my goal of riding my bike around Chautauqua Lake! it was 45 miles in 4 1/4 hours.

i just finished a book called The Savage My Kinsman that is about a woman whose husband was killed in Ecuador on a missionary trip in the amazon. it is an amazing story about how she and her tiny baby stayed in ecuador and ended up being called to go and live with the tribe that killed her husband. they lived with them for a year and she came to forgive them for killing her husband. last week i finished Love In the Time Of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and now i started reading the stories of Eva Luna by Isabel Allende. I am trying to read Latin American authors before our trip.

I continue to check the travel warnings on the state dept. website to get an idea of safe and dangerous regions and cities. it still hasn’t fully hit me how long we will be gone. i’ve never been on a trip this long before. i’m excited and a little nervous. but i know we will have a good trip, no matter how many little discomforts there will be (it is the third world you know.) less than 3 weeks and then quito here we come!


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