pisco sin fronteras
last week mid week i was on a job in desamparados trench digging again in the sun all day after having a tiny but severe sunburn on my lower back (from when i ore a borrowed shirt that as a tiny bit too small and when i worked the previous day it had come up a bit in the back without my realizing) i think i overheated so much that it made me ill. i did not realize how dehydrated i as, but i got sick and could not stop. it made me dizzy and after doing my best to apologize to the shopkeepers whose store i had vomited in front of several times, i just layed on the sidewalk until the others were able to call a car to take me to the hospital here i had an IV drip of 2Liters of a saline which quickly brought me back to good health. they also gave me an injection to relax my stomach muscles. that night i slept surprisingly well and the next day felt great but decided not to work until at least this week. but then my sunburn worsened and blistered, so i have not worked since, outside of housecleaning and some cooking that is. health wise it has been a difficult week because on saturday afternoon al got sick as well, he became dehydrated but could not keep down any water or foods. on sunday morning i took him to the hospital to have the same rehydrating drip (suero) that helped him a lot too. on monday morning we went to the cuban doctors on the other side of the panamericana highay and got medicines and they mandated some tests which i am still in the process of realizing. but the first test today tested negative for parasites which is a good sign! hopefully again tomorrow.
this computers keyboard is very funny, it will not let me press the w key hich is very annoying but funny at the same time.
al is still not feeling very well, he is taking the week to rest and hopes to be back full strength next week.
we are taking good care of each other, drinking a lot of water and other rehydrating solutions and gatorade, and now are both eating full meals again. dont worry about us because we are both doing much better now.
i may not have written about this yet so i will take thi opportunity to do so. al and i are officially engaged! on new years day he asked at 1 in the morning and i was already almost asleep, he asked (in spanish of course) if i wanted to marry him and i mumbled yes without opening my eyes and went to sleep. i did not think this as anything big because many times before he has asked me if i would marry him. he took off my ring that marie had given me and i was wearing on my left ring finger and replaced it ith a beautiful turquoise heart ring that he had made for me, exactly as i want. i was half asleep and did not pay attention to this, i thought he just took off my ring and put it back on. al, being the patient person he is decided to wait until the morning when i realized it as different. in the morning i woke up and al asked me again if i would to marry him, i told him yes and he said, good then, look at your finger. i looked and was shocked when i saw that it as a different ring than the night before! we are not getting married this july, our plans have changed a bit but we are now engaged and will be getting married, just a littler later than originally planned. we are praying that the Lord will lead us to married life at the right time.
bueno chicos, nos vamos.
¡dios les bendiga a todos!
Tags: Pisco
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