de viaje otra vez
Saturday, February 20th, 2010tonight we are leaving Pisco to go to Arequipa. i feel like i have been sick with one thing or another for the last 3 weeks. i hope when we leave my immune system can pick back up again. we took some photos with Fabiola, la mujer de la torta (cake lady) last night. she really is lovely, giving me advice and free goodies to help me feel better. and of course her vanilla cake always makes me feel better. Al has been feeling sick these last few days as well but we both feel a bit better today. since the last post i have gotten a throat and mouth infection which means i am on 2 more antibiotics and pain killers. my mouth is so sensitive i can only eat really soft foods. but it is getting better little by little. last sunday on valentines day i sang at a cultural festival on the beach 2 latin american pop songs with my friend Yoni and then he sang a song in Hebrew because he was born in Israel. it went very well and i was not nervous at all. later in the afternoon we asked them to put on salsa music and Al and i danced for a while, a bit rusty because we have not had much time to practice this last month here in Pisco, but everyone was really impressed, a few Peruvians were taking photos on their phones. PSF has 2 dogs, Manchito and Gringo (its a joke) and they were both at the festival, Gringo was circling us and barking while we were dancing which was really funny, i wish we had a video of that.
on tuesday then i went to the Cuban doctors again who know me well now, the nurses face lit up with a big smile when she saw me. i think the antibiotics are finally working. it was expensive but i had to buy a bottle of listerine. it hurts my mouth at first but then numbs it for about half an hour and it does not hurt at all. i have to do that before bed especially to help me sleep.
we were told there are no early morning buses, so we will leave tonight. there are still several people from the local community that i hope to find, along with packing up our bags.
espero que todos esten bien.
chao con amor!